
Innovation in Legal Education: From the Master himself

When I meet my colleagues at a leisure hour, I am usually asked about how do I plan, guide and thus bring about innovation in the teaching pedagogy for legal education. For me answering this brings a wide smile across my face as I am instantly remembered of those sessions, mook court, syllabus framing and those other activities that me and my pool of faculty try and adopt to help students have the practical exposure without being drained in theory. This leads to development of enriched and finest Advocates, Lawyers and Advisors.

At Shri L.A. Shah College, we offer Ph.D. program in Law since the year 2012 having two Recognized Guides in law. Also a practical syllabi is framed for the three year LLB program by a team of alumnus under my guidance that helps us update the course to more time relevant course. That is the reason that we included Goods and Service Tax (GST) in the syllabi of all papers of Taxation Laws in LL.B. (3 and 5 years) as well as LL.M.

Also, at certain intervals I get my esteemed colleauges, batch-mates or ex-students from the passed put batches to arrange a series of guest sessions for the enrichment of the students in the field of law as well as in the other academic and co-scholastic fields. Including former Judges of the High courts to the Former chief Justice of Sri Lanka, GLS Law College keeps showcasing best practical knowledge inputs mingled with the theory; straight from the judge’s mouth for the students.