I would like to proudly introduce the law colleges at my trust the Gujarat Law Society.The pioneer of legal education was the Shri L.A. Shah Law College established on 15th June, 1927 by Iron Man Shri Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Dada sahib Mavlankar, first Speaker of Loksabha and Sheth Shri Kasturbhai Lalbhai. Sir L. A. Shah Law College offers graduate and post graduate courses in Law leading to the LLB and LLM degrees of Gujarat University as well as a PG Diploma program in Intellectual Property Rights. We also offers a Ph.D. Program in Law under the aegis of our own research center. City Law College was established on 15th June 1958 and was renamed to I.M. Nanavati in 1975 post the donation given by my father who served the college as a teacher himself.. This College imparts instruction in the course leading to the degrees of LL.B. (General) at the end of two academic year and LL.B. (Special at the end of three academic years is divided into two Semester. The College is recognized as the post-Graduate Center imparting instruction in Criminology Law leading to the degree of LL.M. at the end of two academic years. The inspiring zeal and managerial ability of my father Late Shree I. M. Nanavati had gone a very long way to confirm on the college the status is has today. The college is affiliated to Gujarat University as well as Bar council. The college is also recognized under 12(B) & 2 (F) of the UGC Act. Maneklal Nanavati Law College was established on 20th June 1961 and inaugurated by Hon’ble Mr. Justice K. T. Desai, former Chief Justice, High Court of Gujarat. Maneklal Nanavati Law College, named after my grandfather, is affiliated to Gujarat University and approved by the Bar Council of Gujarat. The College offers Bachelor of Law, Diploma in Labour Laws & Practice, and Diploma in Taxation Laws. College is included in the list maintained by the UGC under section 2(f) and 12(B) of the UGC Act, 1956. Lately we planned a new venture i.e, the GLS Law College for fostering excellence in Legal Education for students interested in establishing a lucrative career in Law and aiming to become torch bearers of Justice. Launched on 6th August,2016 it has emerged as the most preferred destination for legal education as it offer offers B.A.LL.B degree which is recognized and approved by the Bar Council of India.